State Archives of Belluno


Status of digitization activities


Marital status

The Belluno State Archive holds the Napoleonic Belluno Civil Registry (1806 – 1815), which includes the Belluno, Pieve de Cadore, Auronzo, Feltre, Mel, Fonzaso and Agordo circumscriptions.
La serie dei registri, fatta eccezione per quelli del cantone di Feltre, è sufficientemente completa.

La ricerca di atti di nascita, di matrimonio o di morte per il periodo 1815-1870 va condotta presso gli archivi parrocchiali diffusi sul territorio, mentre dal 1871 può essere condotta presso l’archivio dei diversi comuni afferenti all’antico Dipartimento della Piave (non del tutto corrispondente all’attuale Provincia di Belluno).

– List of conscription (1840-1948).

The Belluno Provincial Conscription Office fund (classes 1900-1949) contains documentation on men called up for military service and draft dodgers from the Belluno Military District. It is an open archival complex, which is augmented year by year with registers older than seventy years.

Matriculation sheets and roles

The Belluno Military District fonds (1836-1946) holds the papers of men who performed military service first under the Austrian government and then under the Italian government. This is a very rich archival complex, increased from one year to the next by documents that have reached the age of seventy years required to be deposited in the State Archives.